德国威肯化工 WEICON







双组分胶粘剂Two-component adhesives


塑料金属 Plastic Metal
环氧树脂胶泥 Epoxy Resin Putty
修步棒 Repair Sticks
混合易环氧胶 Easy-Mix Epoxy Adhesives
快速金属固定胶 Adhesive/Fast-Metal Minute Adhesive
RK-1300/RK-1500结构胶 RK-1300/RK-1500 Structural Adhesives


单组分胶粘剂 One-component adhesives


WEICONLOCK 厌氧胶和密封胶 WEICONLOCK Anaerobic Adhesives and Sealants
瞬间胶 Cyanoacrylate Adhesives


弹性胶粘剂 Elastic adhesives


Flex 310 M Hybrid polymer
Flex + bond
Flex 310 Polyurethane


高科技喷剂 Technical Sprays


表面防腐涂层 Surface and anti-corrosion coating
清洗和除油 Cleaning and degreasing
脱模剂 Release and separating
润滑、保养和维护 Lubrication, care and maintenance


高性能装配膏体 High-performance assembly pastes and sprays


抗咬合剂/标准型 Anti-Seize/Standard
抗咬合剂/镍基型 Anti-Seize/Nickel
抗咬合剂/高科技型 Anti-Seize/High-Tech
抗咬合剂/食品级 WP-300